Contact Us


Store Hours:

Weekdays  10 AM to 5 PM

Weekends  10 AM to 5 PM

Contact Us:

Phone:    401-792-8662



Kingston Hill Store

2528 Kingstown Road

Kingston, RI  02881


Online Maps: Driving Directions to Kingston, Rhode Island


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Yahoo! Maps



From the North - Providence/Boston:

  1. Take 95 South through Providence. 

  2. Take Exit 9 (Newport/S.County) onto Rt 4 South. 

  3. Follow Rt 4 South ~10 miles and turn slight right onto Rt 1 Tower Hill Road.  

  4. After 3 miles, turn right onto Rt 138 West (Moorsefield Rd).  

  5. Follow ~3.5 miles to intersection, Kingston Hill store is 2nd building on left after light.


From the Northwest - Worcester - Marlboro - Foxboro:

  1. Take 145 South towards Providence. 

  2. Merge onto 295 South. 

  3. Merge onto 95 South. 

  4. Take 95 South, Exit 9 (Newport/S.County) onto Rt 4 South. 

  5. Follow Rt 4 South ~10 miles and turn slight right onto Rt 1 Tower Hill Road.  

  6. After 3 miles, turn right onto Rt 138 West (Moorsefield Rd).  

  7. Follow ~3.5 miles to intersection, Kingston Hill store is 2nd building on left after light.


From the East - Cape Cod/New Bedford/Fall River:

  1. Take 195 West to Providence. 

  2. Merge onto 95 South to New York. 

  3. Take Exit 9 (Newport/S.County) onto Rt 4 South. 

  4. Follow Rt 4 South ~10 miles and turn slight right onto Rt 1 Tower Hill Road.  

  5. After 3 miles, turn right onto Rt 138 West (Moorsefield Rd).  

  6. Follow ~3.5 miles to intersection, Kingston Hill store is 2nd building on left after light.


From the West - Southern Connecticut

  1. Follow 95 North towards Providence. 

  2. Take Exit 3A (Rt 138 East - Kingston/Newport). 

  3. Follow 138 East ~10 miles past URI campus.   Kingston Hill store is on right before light.



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This page was last updated on 11/17/09.

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